Consider there is an awareness being who resides inside the skin sack called a body. This awareness being has a mind that directs the body’s behavior via the intentions that arise before actions are implemented. Beyond this apparent control mechanism of body/mind integration, there is a third element. Call this third element the awareness being’s spirit. Spirit is an amalgam of the body/mind’s thoughts, feelings, intentions and vibratory energy.
The dharma path of each awareness being’s life is about learning how to manage these three elements to mitigate personal suffering/dissatisfaction and enhance personal well-being.
The dharma paradigm clarifies the philosophical/metaphysical context in which effective management of these three elements can take place.
Dharma practices clarify increasingly powerful actions for increasing awareness and insight about this personal management challenge. Awareness and insight clarify the potential adjustments for mitigating suffering/dissatisfaction and enhancing well-being.
Enlightenment is an unfolding process that expands each practitioner’s field of interest to include mitigating the suffering of a larger number of awareness beings.
R4B Mastery accelerates progress
along a dharma path,
within the dharma paradigm,
via dharma practices,
yielding an unfolding process of enlightenment.
Why this is so is a separate question. There are a diversity of answers that underpin a garden variety of philosophies and religions. It is what it is, regardless of why. The practical utility of the dharma path, paradigm and practices is testable through direct personal experience.
May this view mitigate suffering/dissatisfaction and enhance well-being for all who personally test and choose to tread this path.
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