R4B Mastery: Detecting Synchronicities
... fine tuning consciousness for a beneficent life journey
What if meditation practice is just that. Practice. What if it’s practice for tuning a more refined awareness to detect guidance, primordial awareness and synchronicities. What then? What if the practice is for learning how to personally navigate a chaotic challenging tumultuous relative reality. Are you ready to fine tune your awareness GPS for the remainder of your life journey?
Writing is an exercise in awareness for the dharma wanderer. At any time during any day a thought may arise in awareness and repeat itself minutes, hours or days and weeks later. This prolongs and deepens its consideration. Such a thought is like a weightless feather floating in midair, waiting for it to be noticed in awareness to instill a momentary stickiness in the dharma wanderer’s consciousness. Is this being’s experience representative of the human experience? Likely so. What if such thoughts can also be guidance for each being’s life journey?
Thoughts arise from experiential threads the dharma wanderer has reflectively pondered in his long and winding life. These threads have been punctuated by memorable moments. These moments have become the memory ganglions in a tapestry of mysteries that spontaneously beckons for further consideration. Synchronicity is such a theme.
A video appeared in his youtube stream that elucidated five kinds of synchronicities. Examples from the dharma wanderer’s life follow below. These examples are offered to stimulate deeper reader reflection about instances in their own lives when they have also experienced synchronicities.
But why might synchronicities be even worthy of consideration? A mind bending argument for such consideration will be presented below. This argument may stimulate a stretching of belief systems that can bring benefit by opening reader consciousness to new possibilities. While the relative everyday world may seem to become even more challenging amidst chaotic political instability, synchronicities in each being’s life may offer useful guidance that beckons for worthwhile exploration.
Are you ready for better? Stay tuned. And if you have not yet seriously considered and reflected upon Perplexity’s reply to the dharma wanderer’s query about Hints, Clues, Signs and Signals plz take a careful look at it now for a refresher. It is directly relevant to info presented below.
Types of Synchronicity
A worthwhile 15 minute video explains synchronicity and clarifies five different types. Synchronicity examples from the dharma wanderer’s life are briefly offered below. After that, a mind bending explanation will be offered about the source of synchronicities as guidance for each being’s life journey.
Warning or Alert Synchronicity
A previous post reported on an unusual incident experienced by the dharma wanderer when he was hiking in a national forest with his lifemate. He felt distinctly unique discomfort when approaching a dark curve in the trail. He decided to turn around and return to the trail head. After he and his lifemate had taken only a few steps, three men carrying rifles appeared on the trail and told him a bear had mauled someone nearby and they were hunting for the vicious animal. This experience highlighted the importance of paying attention to feelings of risk and unexpected discomfort that can arise with no apparent visible cause.
Confirmation Synchronicity
The dharma wanderer had been uncertain about whether to disclose his wondering about the source of synchronicities and related guidance in his life. After inputting the headline and first paragraph of this post, he left home to run an errand. He was surprised to see Sirius XM display a meaningful title of a tune playing when he started his car: Unforgotten Chapters. He considered the enigmatic title for a moment, then connected it to those memorable moments in his life when beneficent guidance had appeared. This confirmed for him to take the risk of revealing what is shared below about possible sources of guidance.
Prophetic Synchronicity
A previous post described an emotionally intense and high risk incident in Asia when the dharma wanderer had interviewed observers of tragic violence and generated a report of what he had learned and observed himself. He had hidden his rice paper faxed report in a small compartment in his camera bag because he wanted to keep it as a historical record. After his tour group’s last stop before departing for the airport, their van had begun to move. He felt an intense warning to destroy the fax. He described it later as a compelling urge. He yelled, “stop the van”, begged for a lighter and burned the fax. The security personnel at the next three airports they went through opened his camera bag and carefully examined all the contents. If the fax had been discovered, the consequences would have been quite severe. This also highlighted for the dharma wanderer the importance of paying attention to what he had begun to identify as messages from some mysterious external invisible source.
Manifestation Synchronicity
The dharma wanderer and his life mate unexpectedly became pioneers in management consulting in China when they moved to Shanghai in the spring of 1993. Their newbie inquiries at Oahu’s East West Center yielded a referral to the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. Their Hong Kong inquiry yielded a referral to Shanghai AmCham. Their Shanghai inquiry eventually yielded worthwhile business relationships with Shanghai AmCham’s Manufacturer’s Business Council. Even so, there were many occasions when the dharma wanderer was deeply concerned and anxious about cash flow and making payroll for staff they had hired. His aerobic affirmations were most often about finding leads for business development, writing proposals and closing sales. He repeatedly had the direct experience of manifesting what was needed to keep the consulting business alive. It seemed that they were living in a dream-like movie, being in the right place at the right time with the right intention. Intention and its beneficial karmic consequences were unfolding amidst high speed fluid change. The manifestation power of what he later called the R4B Method was repeatedly confirmed for the dharma wanderer.
Opportunity Synchronicity
A previous post described how the dharma wanderer had carefully formulated an aspirational goal to meet his life mate. For close to a year he repeated his relationship affirmation in rhythm with his breath in rhythm with his movement while jogging: “I am meeting the woman with whom I will live, laugh and love.”
He had been intrigued by the eighty-one enigmatic verses of the Tao te Ching and read multiple translations before bed most nights. This led him to wonder how he might meet a Chinese woman to explore a possible relationship, but there were none to be found in Greensboro, NC, or so it seemed. When he saw the local weekly paper’s announcement of a Chinese New Year celebration, he noticed the thought to check it out, but given his living in-the-moment forgetful life style he might have missed the opportunity. Fortunately he attended his first Tai Chi class a few days before the CNY event. The class leader’s encouragement to attend the same event solidified his intention.
The dharma wanderer was pleasantly surprised to discover two older friends at the event. They had sponsored a Chinese female dancer to come to the US. When she gave a demonstration at a nearby girls college, the dharma wanderer’s future lifemate was asked to be a translator for the dancer. The dancer then invited Yong-Ling to the CNY event and asked her hosts to pick her up for the trip.
Interestingly, the older couple had participated in the dharma wanderer’s only instance of workshop training on what he called aerobic reprogramning, which was an earlier incarnation of the R4B Method. The unmistakable interconnectedness of these events seemed enormous.
The video link above states:
..the distinctive feature of opportunity synchronicities is that they fill us with joy and relief… they feel intuitively right without friction or resistance.
This was certainly the case for the dharma wanderer, because he proposed marriage in a poem on his fourth date with his future lifemate on Valentine’s Day 1987. She accepted a year later. Their life journey together has been graced with guidance for the many challenges they have encountered.
Ok, this seems cool, but where are all these synchronicities coming from? From what source do they arise? Is it spirit guides, angels, God, Jah-weh, the Great Spirit, Gaia? Could it be the quantum field? Or possibly ancient astronauts?
Ahhhh, the great leap into the mystery is about to embark. Buckle up.
Bernard Kastrup was trained as a philosopher and a computer scientist. Earned PhD’s in both fields. He’s an outside the box thinker, researcher, author. He has a 6500 word essay titled: “UAPs and Non-Human Intelligence: What is the Most Reasonable Scenario?” The PDF version is downloadable here. Sorry, it may cost $1 if you want the pdf. You can read the essay for free via his website. Granted, it’s long and detailed, but also full of information and links that most readers are unlikely to be familiar with and that establish support for his arguments.
The primary points of Kastrup’s essay that stuck in the dharma wanderer’s consciousness are the following:
Rather than refer to all alien phenomena as “extra-terrestial”, it seems possible that non-human terrestial intelligence [NHTI] has been present on this planet for eons.
NHTI is likely motivated to keep earthlings from destroying the planet, hence their interest in nuclear plants and military might.
The paragraphs that stood out for the dharma wanderer begin on pg 10 of the PDF:
“Intellectual-level communication between more advanced terrestrial NHIs and us will require direct access to our cognitive processes. They will have to directly modulate our own abstract references and modes. In other words, they will have to convey their ideas to us by prompting our own mind to articulate those ideas to itself, using its own conceptual dictionary and grammatical structures. And because their message—a product of their own cognition, incommensurable with ours—is bound to not adequately line up with our grammar and conceptual menu, this articulation will per force have to be symbolic, metaphorical; it will have to point to the intended meaning, as opposed to embodying the intended meaning directly, or literally.”
Kastrup continues: “In conclusion, I submit the hypothesis that, when UAPs manipulate our perceptions during an encounter, they are, in fact, attempting to communicate in the only way they can. Analogously, if you are hiking in a remote trail and come across a wild bear—another terrestrial species with a cognitive structure different from ours, which we encounter by chance as they go about their business in their own habitat—the bear, too, will communicate with you in the only way it can: through meaning-evoking body posture and sounds; and you will even understand it. The difference is that UAPs are better, more nuanced and sophisticated at the task.”
On pg 12 of the PDF, at the end of Kastrup’s essay: “The hypothesis I put forward is that, if the ‘nuts-and-bolts’ UAP phenomenon and the Non-Human Intelligence(s) behind it are real, they are unlikely to be extra-terrestrial. Instead, they may consist of remnants of industrial, technological NHIs evolved on Earth up to 350 million years ago. We cannot find conspicuous archaeological or geological footprints of such civilisations because, according to the so-called ‘Silurian Hypothesis,’ not only weather erosion, but also the regular recycling of the Earth’s crust through plate tectonics, erase them. The anthropocentric notion that nothing intelligent has arisen on our planet in the billions of years for which no conspicuous evidence would have remained on the geological record is unjustified. There has been plenty of time and opportunity for many technological, industrial, but non-human civilisations to have arisen and disappeared from the surface of the Earth. Though I understand that many may consider this hypothesis disturbing at some level, it does not require anything fundamentally beyond natural processes we know to exist: we know that intelligent life can arise on this planet, given its environmental conditions; we know that industrial civilisations can arise, develop, and go extinct in a period no longer than a few thousand years, which is the blink of an eye at a geological scale; we know that our own technology today would have looked like magic to the Great Goethe, only 200 years ago; we know that intelligent species that evolved the ability to act according to an abstract ethical code can operate under a policy of non-interference towards less evolved life (just think of human wildlife researchers); and so on. The present hypothesis requires nothing more than the foregoing. As such, there is nothing unnatural or truly extraordinary about it. If it violates our sensitivities, then this informs us about our sensitivities, not about the plausibility of the hypothesis in a naturalist framework. Notice, however, that the hypothesis proposed here presupposes the UAP data disclosed thus far to be authentic, and not the result of a sprawling disinformation campaign. In the latter case, the key motivations and empirical ground for the speculations in this essay would be void, and the hypothesis should be disregarded in its entirety.”
As what is likely new information filters into the reader’s cognitive structures, consider this. What if what the Tibetan Buddhists call primordial wisdom, and the guidance that Moses received over many years wandering the desert and that psychiatrist Carl Jung received in his musings about synchronicities, and that inventors and innovators have received throughout history and that the dharma wanderer has documented above through reports of his direct experience, what if these messages from the great beyond have always been available. And they are from non-human intelligence? What then?
The dharma wanderer thus proposes that repeating one’s aspirational intention aloud, as takes place in the intermediate stage of the R4B Method [but also exists in a plethora of other spiritual disciplines], may attract the attention of NHIs. Further, chanting mantras via sanskrit, humanity’s first language, may also attract the attention of NHIs. Put these two together with the four immeasurables and you may have a powerful formula for beneficent manifestation. BTW, this is testable by direct experience.
R4B Practice Set:
Consider meditating and reflecting on this. Relax your belief systems and prior historical programming. Take a step into the world of self managed expansion of consciousness by formulating your aspirational goal/affirmation/mantra/prayer, fine tuning it and expressing it aloud. Repeat it in rhythm with movement, in rhythm with breath. Stay with it. Commit to it. Be alert for detecting hints, clues, signs, signals and synchronicities. Let go of judgment and expectations. Be open minded in each present moment about the next step in your own life journey.
The fabled ten thousand mile journey is open for you.
Ahhhhhh, the Journey continues…
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