R4B Mastery: A BRIEF 3 Step Process for Coping
...grok what's happening, mobilize your personal energy, take action in two domains
First Step: Grok what is happening
The dharma wanderer doesn’t watch cable news. He typically reads headlines from all major news sources. And he reads substack authors such as Paul Krugman and the political historian, HCR. Her post on Feb 22 described how the current status has quickly evolved within a historical context. A NYT headline on Feb 23 caught the dharma wanderer’s eye because it was not the “OMG look at what’s happening NOW”. Instead, it was about Chris Murphy, who is standing up now.
Second Step: Mobilize your personal energy
Anyone who reads the dharma wanderer’s posts will know what his posts proclaim. Start at the basic stage of the R4B Method to formulate your goal/affirmation/mantra/prayer/INTENTION. Ensure it flows without generating internal conflict. Then shift to the intermediate stage, where you express it aloud. Better to do this in a secluded safe space.
Combine the R4B’s yang energetic practice with the meditative practice of cultivating mindful awareness. Consider this to be a yin awareness practice. These are two sides of the energetic coin you can spend to go beyond fear, worry, anxiety, as well as hatred and violence. These two practices cultivate wise action by using skillful means.
Be advised the optimum wisdom calls on your talents, capabilities, compassion and open heart for action in two worlds: the relative and the absolute. The relative world involves what is presumed to be physical reality. The absolute world is no-thingness, aka sunyata. Consider the absolute world of emptiness to be the quantum vibratory field of emotion, intention and guidance that awaits your call. You call it by expressing your intention aloud. You amplify the signal by doing so with movement and/or emotional intensity.
In this second step, use your energy to clarify your intention, express it with energetic movement and then pay attention to the guidance that will appear in your awareness. It may come quickly or it may be delayed, but it will come. What arises in your awareness may not seem logically rational, because wisdom moments come in step-wise fashion, one piece or step at a time.
Trust the process of unfolding. Capitalize on the skillful means you have developed and are continuing to develop.
What the Tibetan Buddhists call primordial wisdom is perceptibly real, but subtle. It comes in brief moments that appear as clues, hints, signs and signals. Such moments are cultivated by two complementary practices: one-pointed concentration and mindful awareness. Previous posts have repeatedly explained this.
Third Step: Take Action
Be advised the action can be both visible and invisible, in the relative world and in the absolute world of vibratory no-thingness, aka the quantum field. Both are important and complementary. If you don’t understand the meaning of this, go back and read previous posts. The most recent post prior to this one offers clarification in greater detail, combined with a lengthy mind bending hypothesis.
The above approach will bring guidance, counteracting feelings of helplessness and stimulating personal/energetic growth. The guidance will stimulate the planting of seeds for better. Mighty oaks grow from seeds, but it takes time, water, nutrients,… and light.
Send light from your heart as you express your intention aloud. Doing this consistently with commitment will bring helpful guidance, but you have to pay attention to the clues, hints, signs and signals that appear in awareness.
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